A website as
unique as You.

Your website is the first impression people get of your business or organisation. with a website designed and built from scratch! No templates - no limits.


Below are some recent examples of projects which reflect the nature of the work we offer. These projects often overlap utilising a combination of servcies to tell their story in a unique and powerful way. If you have any questions about any of these projects or would like more examples of our work - please just reach out!

Bayhead Harris

We worked with this BnB to produce a website as charming as their business with supecharged performance.

Aurora Energy Services

We designed and built our biggest website to date as part of creating the Aurora Brand. And that's just the beginning...

Ashley Frazer

We created a website that showcased the profesionalism, elegance and prowess that Ashley Frazer have now become known for in the MENA region.

Cairn Training

We worked with Cairn training to produce a website that reflected the values and ethos our rebrand achieved; a more friendly, professional and helpful website.
ocho eight

Reasons to build
your website
with Ocho.


Fast & Faster

Website speed is so important today that's why we've partnered with Webflow to help us create websites that have some of the fastest speeds on the internet. Speed = retention.


Along with faster speed, our Webflow based websites offer high levels of security via Amazon Web Services (AWS) so you have peace of mind to get on with the other parts of your businesss.

A Tailored FIt

We don't use templates. Your website should be an expression of who you are! Why limit that to rigid templates! We create unique websites specific to you and your audience.


We design build and also manage your website's hosting details. No need to call 3 different companies just leave it with us and grab a cuppa!

Account Management

We look after your website after we've built it. Keep on top of updates, information and we keep your style up to date with the latest and greatest ideas on the web.
question and answer bubbles


We don't design and dash. Right from the day one we are always an email or a call away to solve any issues or implement any new ideas. No 3 - 5 working days, just pick up the phone! ...although we do have lives outside of Ocho. So please be understanding too!

All Under One Roof

Because we offer design, Search Engine Optimisation, analytics and marketing, you can get the most comprehensive service out there! No need to manage 10 separate businesses. We aim to be your one stop shop.

Pick & Mix

Add SEO, Google Maps, Social Media, Translations, Pixels, Custom Code, e-commerce checkouts & payment gateways... the list goes as far as you can imagine! 

Our Philosophy

Our website building philsophy is what allows us to make websites, like this one, that make your business stand out from the crowd. We've included another 8 good reasons to build your website with Ocho ...

Your Time to Shine.

When people come to your website, its not just about what you do. Your audience want to know who you are. Show them through personal designs.

Your User. Focused.

Our websites focus on your audience right from the start. We always ask the question: "How will the user be able to find what they are looking for" 

Google Analytics IV

We keep an eye on how your website is performing on Google Analytics 4. Making adjustments and doing all we can to keep it performing as good as it looks.

Thoughtful Design

Our designs aren't just good to look at. We consider accessibility all potential users and code helpful stuff to boost your website on search engines.

Be Our Guest.

We will host your website and look after it in its own space. We'll update it, improve it and manage it as needed.

Boost your website!

Add animations to make your website an engaging place for your audience to be. Dynamic websites are far better at attention retention than static sites.